Ragusan Sources about Onogošt in the Middle Ages / Dubrovačka građa o Onogoštu u srednjem vijeku


  • Esad Kurtović


Onogošt, Dubrovnik State Archives, Middle Ages


Onogošt’s proximity to Ragusa and its location on a very important caravan route have enabled the preservation of a greater number of sources about the history of this settlement in the late Middle Ages. Even though they are partially known in historiography, these documents will expand and enrich the available materials for researchers of Onogošt’s history, serving as an improved starting point in their future approaches to the topic. The presented information is not a result of systematic research nor does it encompass all that exists or could be found about Onogošt in the Dubrovnik State Archives. Here they represent a stimulus for further research and gathering of sources. The published documentation has at least partially been included in the available historiographical literature, integrally, in excerpts, mentions, citations, or is completely unknown. Here it has been transcribed anew, without comparison with previous editions or additional suggestions, as it does not pretend to be a methodological model for the publishing of sources.


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How to Cite

Kurtović, E. (2019). Ragusan Sources about Onogošt in the Middle Ages / Dubrovačka građa o Onogoštu u srednjem vijeku. Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija Umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-Line, (6), 129–152. Retrieved from https://mail.ff.unsa.ba/subds/ejournals/index.php/radovihhua/article/view/28

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