Univerzitet u Sarajevu ‒ Filozofski fakultet
Odsjek za historiju
Sarajevo, 8. 12. 2024.
Dr. Carl Bethke (Leipzig, SR Njemačka) gostujući je profesor na Odsjeku za historiju u zimskom semestru akademske 2024/25. godine. Dr. Bethke, čije je polje interesovanja balkanska povijest 19. i 20 stoljeća, održava niz predavanja u sklopu nastave na predmetima Evropska i svjetska historija novog vijeka (1500-1918), Jugoistočna Evropa od kraja 18. stoljeća do 1918. godine i Bosna i Hercegovina u međunarodnim odnosima u 19. stoljeću.
Gostovanje Dr. Carla Bethkea na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu ‒ Filozofski fakultet omogućeno je zahvaljujući finansijskoj podršci Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst ( DAAD).
University of Sarajevo ‒ Faculty of Philosophy is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Carl Bethke as Visiting Professor at History Department in the winter semester 2024-25. Dr Bethke is an internationally renowned academic and teacher whose field of interest is Balkan history in the 19th and 20th centuries. During the semester Dr Bethke will deliver a series of lectures as part of the following courses: European and World history in the Modern Age (1500-1918), South-eastern Europe from the End of the 18th century to 1918, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in International Relations in the 19th century. We are looking forward to having Dr Bethke engage with our student and academic staff as well as sharing his valuable research experiences. The academic visit of Dr Carl Bethke at the University of Sarajevo ‒ Faculty of Philosophy is made possible by the financial support of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).
Odbrana završnog rada – Elmedin Salihagić
Na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu – Filozofskom fakultetu, Elmedin Salihagić, student II ciklusa studija na Odsjeku za historiju, studijski program Historija – nastavnički smjer, branit će završni rad pod nazivom
Operacija „Namjerna sila“ 1995. i završetak rata u Bosni i Hercegovini
The Operation „Deliberate Force” 1995 and the End of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
u petak, 06.12.2024. godine u 10:00 sati.
Odbrana je javna i održat će se u učionici 125.